Perbandingan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien GAKIN Peserta Program Askeskin dan Program Dokter Keluarga terhadap Pelayanan Rawat Jalan Tingkat Pertama di Dua Kabupaten di Sumatera Selatan.
Government had paid the premium of health insurance for poor people by Askeskin program with capitation is Rp.1.000,- each person for the service of health take care of the first level health service (RJTP) in Puskesmas, on 2006. Meanwhile, province of South Sumatra launch the program of family doctor which also give the service of health RJTP for poor people, its pay capitation is Rp.8.000,- each person.
The objective of this study was to compare the patient satisfaction of Askeskin program members and family doctor program members. Research design was cross sectional in 2 districts. Sampling of health service facility use purposive sampling. Total of sample are 3 puskesmas of ASKESKIN program and 2 family doctor program, total of sample of patient are 76 respondents. Result of study are 1) patient satisfaction of ASKESKIN program was low than family doctor program, and 2) there are significant difference of factor that influence the patient satisfaction of ASKESKIN program and family doctor program are reliability factor and responsiveness factor.
The patient satisfaction for reliability factor show that the value of patient satisfaction of Askeskin program was 92.3%, CI; 87,6-97,0% and the family Doctor program was 98.6%, 97,0-100% and the patient satisfaction for responsiveness factor show that the value of patient satisfaction of askeskin program was 89.4%, CI; 84,8-94,0% and the Family Doctor program was 98.1%, CI; 96,4-99,8%, 3) there was significant difference of the patient satisfaction of the Askeskin program and the family doctor program to service of health RJTP of variables: a) procedure of patient acceptance which quickly and precisely, b) inspection service, medication and treatment which quickly and precisely, c) worker ability quickly listen carefully to serve the patient sigh, d) worker give the clear information, and was easy to understood, e) Guarantee of security of service and trust to the service, and f) settlement of exterior and interior.
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, dapat mengakses link berikut : Perbandingan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Gakin Peserta Program Askeskin dan Program Dokter Keluarga terhadap Pelayanan Rawat Jalan Tingkat Pertama di Dua Kabupaten di Sumatera Selatan – Neliti
Key word:satisfaction, poor people, health service