Analisis Kebijakan: Program Dokter Keluarga dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Rawat Jalan Tingkat Pertama (Rjtp) di Sumatera Selatan


South Sumatra Province has launched family doctor program to provide health services for poor people in 2006. Government by APBN budged had paid the premium of health insurance for poor people by Askeskin program with capitation is Rp.1.000,- each person for the service of health take care of the first level health service (RJTP) in Puskesmas, on 2006. Meanwhile, province of South Sumatra by APBD budged have launch the program of family doctor which also give the service of health RJTP for poor people, its pay capitation is Rp.8.000,- each person. The objective of this research was to determine the application of family doctor program on membership, advantages of health service and financially aspects. This research is using policy analysis approach with qualitatively paradigm. The research design was a case study and explorative study. Results of this research were: 1) There was membership duplication of family doctor program and Askeskin program, 2) The family doctors hope all member of family doctor program was people non-poor, 3) There was duplication of the kind of family doctor program and Askeskin program health service, 4) The family doctors available to serve patient just at 2-4 hour, 5) There was budget duplication of family doctor program with Askeskin program, 6) The family doctor in puskesmas get double salary that can cause jealousy of another health provider.

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, dapat mengakses link berikut : 228651094.pdf (

Key words: family doctors, membership, health services, financing.


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